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  • Statut : Post-doctorant
  • Adresse mail : raphael.dos-santos-morais@univ-lorraine.fr
  • Spécialité : Biochimie - Biophysique
  • Téléphone : +33 (0)3 72 74 41 10

Activités :

  • Postdoctoral researcher (Apr 2019–Mar 2021)

Université de Lorraine – Laboratoire d’Ingénierie des Biomolécules. EA 4367 UL.
Project title: Generic encapsulation concept for lactic acid bacteria.

  • Postdoctoral researcher (Mar 2018–Mar 2019)

Université de Lorraine - Ingénierie Moléculaire et Physiopathologie Articulaire. UMR 7365 CNRS-UL. (RNA, RNP: Structure-Function-Maturation Group).
Project title: Understanding the assembly of macromolecular complexes using C/D box snoRNPs as a model.

  • PhD Student (Oct 2014–Oct 2017)

Université de Rennes 1 - Institut de Génétique et Développement de Rennes, CNRS UMR 6290. Laboratoire Léon-Brillouin, UMR 12 CEA-CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay. SWING Beamline, Synchrotron SOLEIL.
PhD thesis title: dystrophin/membrane interaction: 3D structure of dystrophin fragments in the presence of phospholipids. (http://www.theses.fr/2017REN1B062).
Awards: GEM thesis prize 2019 and SFN thesis prize 2019.

  • List of publications
  1. Mias-Lucquin, D.co-first; Dos Santos Morais, R.co-first; Chéron, A.; Lagarrigue, M.; Winder, S. J.; Chenuel, T.; Pérez, J.; Appavou, M.-S.; Martel, A.; Alviset, G.; et al. How the Central Domain of Dystrophin Acts to Bridge F-Actin to Sarcolemmal Lipids. Journal of Structural Biology 2019, 107411. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsb.2019.107411.
  2. Chagot, M.-E.; Dos Santos Morais, R.; Dermouche, S.; Lefebvre, D.; Manival, X.; Chipot, C.; Dehez, F.; Quinternet, M. Binding Properties of the Quaternary Assembly Protein SPAG1. Biochem. J. 2019, 476 (11), 1679–1694.
  3. Dos Santos Morais, R.; Delalande, O.; Pérez, J.; Mias-Lucquin, D.; Lagarrigue, M.; Martel, A.; Molza, A.-E.; Chéron, A.; Raguénès-Nicol, C.; Chenuel, T.; et al. Human Dystrophin Structural Changes upon Binding to Anionic Membrane Lipids. Biophys. J. 2018, 115 (7), 1231–1239.
  4. Delalande, O.; Molza, A.-E.; Dos Santos Morais, R.; Chéron, A.; Pollet, É.; Raguenes-Nicol, C.; Tascon, C.; Giudice, E.; Guilbaud, M.; Nicolas, A.; et al. Dystrophin’s Central Domain Forms a Complex Filament That Becomes Disorganized by in-Frame Deletions. J. Biol. Chem. 2018, 293 (18), 6637–6646.
  5. Dos Santos Morais, R.; Delalande, O.; Pérez, J.; Mouret, L.; Bondon, A.; Martel, A.; Appavou, M.-S.; Le Rumeur, E.; Hubert, J.-F.; Combet, S. Contrast-Matched Isotropic Bicelles: A Versatile Tool to Specifically Probe the Solution Structure of Peripheral Membrane Proteins Using SANS. Langmuir 2017, 33 (26), 6572–6580.
  6. Printz, B.; Dos Santos Morais, R.; Wienkoop, S.; Sergeant, K.; Lutts, S.; Hausman, J.-F.; Renaut, J. An Improved Protocol to Study the Plant Cell Wall Proteome. Front. Plant Sci. 2015, 6, 237.
  • Oral contributions:
  1. Journées de la Diffusion Neutronique 2019. Saint-Martin-de-Londres (France), 16-19 September 2019. SFN Thesis prize talk.
  2. Joint meeting Club exo-endo & GEM & the Itamlian Societies of Biophysics, Biochemistry and Chemistry.«Membrane Biophysics of Exo- Endocytosis: from Model Systems to Cells ».Mandelieu (France), 3-6 April 2019. GEM Thesis prize talk (sponsored by NanoTemper Technologies).
  3. Seminar at l'institut de Chimie et Biologie des Membranes et des Nano-objets (CBMN). Bordeaux (France), 30 November, 2017.
  4. Congrès international du Groupe d'Etude des Membranes (GEM XIX), Roscoff (France), 5-8 November, 2017.
  5. 24e Journées de la Diffusion Neutronique (JDN24). Carqueiranne (France), 2-4 May 2016.
  6. Seminar to College 8 at Institut Laue-Langevin. Grenoble (France), 20 October 2015.
  7. Comité Scientifique et Instrumental (CSI), Laboratoire Léon-Brillouin (LLB), Saclay, 27 October, 2014.