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  • Statut : Doctorante
  • Adresse mail : adeline.meriaux.88@gmail.com
  • Spécialité : Spray-drying / Physicochemical and functionnal properties of milk and dairy powders
  • Téléphone : 0635528214

Activités :

  • PhD Student (october 2021 - october 2024) at LiBio (Nancy)

Thesis topic  Multi-criteria optimization of functional properties of spray-dried dairy powders

- Dairy products process engineering : creaming, membrane filtration and spray-drying

- Characterization of physicochemical properties of milk and dairy powders : dry matter, hygroscopy, solubility, protein content (Kjeldhal method), lipid content (Röse-Gottlieb method)...

- Characterization of functional properties of dairy powders : reconstitution (conductivity monitoring), flowing, compressibility, storage, gelation properties (oscillatory rheology)...


  • Research and development internship (april 2021 - september 2021) at Danone Nutricia Research (Palaiseau)

- Plant-based product, plant proteins, sensorial analysis, mixing plane, design of experiment, oscillatory rheology, textural analysis


  • Research internship (march 2020 - july 2020) at Institute of Chemistry & Biology of Membranes & Nano-objects (CBMN) (Pessac)

- Optimisation of goat milk curd drainage by filtered press process: design of experiments, process engineering microscopy, physicochemical analysis, oscillatory rheology, textural analysis...


  • Study engineering (september 2018 - september 2021) at ENSMAC (Bordeaux)

- Food microbiology, food ecosystems, food and human nutrition, food processes, separation, biochemical analysis and spectroscopy, project management 

- Creation of a innovative food product and participation to the Ecotrophélia contest (Avignon, 2020)