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Spécialité : Cancer research, nanomedicine, bio-imaging
Education & Research Experience
April 2020 | Postdoctoral Researcher |
University of Lorraine, France
Director: Pr Arab-Tehrany (LIBio, ENSAIA)
Co-directors: Pr Grandemange (CRAN UMR 7039, BioSiS), Dr Velot (IMoPA, CNRS-UMR 7365), Dr Bianchi (IMoPA, CNRS -UMR 7365) and Dr Francius (LCPME, CNRS-UMR 7564)
Development of a targeted nanoliposome for the immunomodulation and treatment of lung cancer.
2015 - 2019 | PhD in Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences |
University of Angers, France & Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium |
Director: Dr Lemaire (MINT, INSERM UMR-S 1066 / CNRS 6021)
Co-director: Pr Gallez (REMA, LDRI)
Thesis title: Lipid nanocapsules as a theranostic tool |
Development of a theranostic tool for analyzing and mapping tumoural hypoxia in the highly malignant brain cancer, glioblastoma. Lipid nanocapsules were formulated as an oxygen sensor for pre-clinical magnetic resonance imaging.
2013 - 2015 | MSc in Nanoscience |
University of the Western Cape, South Africa
Director: Pr de Kock (MBS)
Thesis title: In vitro permeation of X-ray irradiated spherical gold nanoparticles in human breast epithelium and skin keratinocyte cells
Development of an alternative radiotherapy method, using 'green synthesis' gold nanoparticles, to increase in vitro tumour cell death. Project involved the irradiation of Au NPs with X-, neutron- and gamma-ray radiation in tumoural cell lines.
Selected Conference Activities
Invited Presentations |
2018 - Speaker - 6th Annual NanoFar Summer School, Modena, Italy
Nel, J., Franconi, F., Gallez, B. & Lemaire, L.
Measuring O2 variations in tumours with EPR and MRI
2017 - Speaker - Les 7e estivales de la plate-forme PRISM, Angers, France
Nel, J., Franconi, F., Gallez, B. & Lemaire, L.
LNCs: An Innovative O2 sensor
2017 - Poster - 5th Annual NanoFar Autumn School, Nottingham, UK
Nel, J., Gallez, B. & Lemaire, L.
LNCs as a theranostic tool in cancer
2015 - Speaker - 4th Annual NanoFar Autumn School, Nantes, France
Nel, J., Gallez, B. & Lemaire, L.
LNCs as a theranostic tool in cancer
Conference Presenations |
2018 - Speaker - French Society for Nanomedicine Annual Meeting, Montpellier, France
Nel, J., Franconi, F., Desmet, C. M., Joudiou, N., Gallez, B. & Lemaire, L.
LNCs for tissue O2 determination using EPR and MRI
2018 - Poster - Joint Meeting of the European and International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Paris, France
Nel, J., Gallez, B. & Lemaire, L.
LNCs as a prognostic tool in cancer
2016 - Poster - French Society for Nanomedicine Annual Meeting, Paris, France
Nel, J., Gallez, B. & Lemaire, L.
LNCs as a prognostic tool in cancer
2016 - Poster - Journées Scientifique ED BS UBL, Nantes, France
Nel, J., Franconi, F., Gallez, B. & Lemaire, L.
LNCs as an O2 sensor
Awards and Grants
Best Abstract - Imaging Division - French Society for Nanomedicine Annual Meeting, 2018
PhD Fellowship Grant - Fonds du Patrimoine, Université catholique de Louvain, 2018
Best Poster at Conference - Journées Scientifique ED BS UBL, 2016
See Google Scholar for full publications list.