- Status : Ingénieur de recherche
- Email address :
- Phone number : +33 (0)3 83 59 58 50
Activities :
Génération de bactériocines innovantes par ingénierie peptidique combinatoire
Conformation protéique et activité antibactérienne, formation des ponts disulfure
- Expression hétérologue de bactériocines natives ou modifiées
- Caractérisation d'activités antibactériennes
- Biochimie des protéines : purification, dosages immunochimiques ou biochimiques
- Structure secondaire des protéines (FTIR)
Activités complémentaires
- Responsable Qualité du LIBio, certifié ISO +9001 : 2008
Parcours universitaire
1996: Doctorat de l'Université d'Orléans, discipline Physico-chimie des composés d'intérêt biologique.
1993: Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies en Génie des Procédés, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine
Diplôme d'Ingénieur de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Industries Chimiques (ENSIC)
1. A. Back, F. Borges, C. Mangavel, C. Paris, E. Rondags, R. Kapel, A. Aymes, H. Rogniaux, M. Pavlovic, A. J. van Heel, O. P. Kuipers, A. M. Revol-Junelles, C. Cailliez-Grimal. Recombinant pediocin in Lactococcus lactis: increased production by propeptide fusion and mproved potency by co-production with PedC. Microbial Biotechnology (2015), DOI: 10.1111/1751-7915.12285
2. M.H.H. Roby, V.C. De Castro, B.N. Targino, P.H.A. Da Silva, C. Mangavel, F. Chretien, C. Humeau, S. Desobry. Oxidative stability of DHA phenolic ester. Food Chemistry (2015), 169, 41-48
3. A. Rahman, M. Gleinser, M.C. Lanhers, C.U. Riedel, B. Foligné, M. Hanse, F.T. Yen, A. Klouj, M.I. Afzal, A. Back, C. Mangavel, C. Cailliez-Grimal, A.M. Revol-Junelles, F. Borges Adaptation of the lactic acid bacterium Carnobacterium maltaromaticum LMA 28 to the mammalian gastrointestinal tract: from survival in mice to interaction with human cells. International Dairy Journal (2014), 34, 93-99
4. M. S. L. Ferreira, C. Mangavel, H. Rogniaux, J. Bonicel, M.F. Samson, M.H. Morel. A MALDI-TOF based study of the in-vivo assembly of glutenin polymers in durum wheat. Food Research International (2014), 63 part A, 89-99
5. M. S. L. Ferreira, P. Martre, C. Mangavel, C. Girousse, N. N. Rosa, M.F. Samson, M.H. Morel Physicochemical control of durum wheat grain filling and glutenin polymers assembly under different temperature regimes. J. Cereal Sci. (2012), 56, 1, 58-66
6. B. Jaillais, E. Perrin, C. Mangavel, D. Bertrand Characterization of the dessiccation of wheat kernels by multivariate imaging. Planta (2011), 233 (6), 1147-1156
7. M. Zeng, Y. Huang, L. Lu, L. Fan, C. Mangavel, D. Lourdin. Mechanical properties of thermo-moulded biofilms in relation to proteins/starch interactions. Food Biophysics (2011), 6(1), 49-57
8. M. Zeng, Y. Wu, H. Gao, L. Fan, C. Mangavel, D. Lourdin. Influence of dehydration treatment on intermolecular interaction and morphology of pills prepared from proteins and corn starch. Science of Advanced Materials (2010), 2, 4, 514-521
9. A. Banc, B.Desbat, D.Renard, Y. Popineau, C. Mangavel, L. Navailles. Biopolymers (2009), 91, 8, 610-622. Exploring the interactions of gliadins with model membranes: effect of confined geometry and interfaces
10. A Banc, L. Navailles, B. Desbat, D. Renard, C. Mangavel and Y. Popineau. Proceedings of the International Gluten Workshop, 7-9 septembre 2009, Clermont-Ferrand. Gluten Proteins 2009, G. Branlard Ed. , INRA, Paris, 2009, ISBN: 978-2-738012-81-4. Congrès "Xth International Gluten Workshop", Clermont-Ferrand, 7-9 Septembre 2009. Conference. Interactions of gliadins with model membranes in confined geometry: a physicochemical approach of the initiation of protein bodies in the ER lumen.
11. M. A. Sabino, L. Pauchard, C. Allain, C. Mangavel, M. Zeng, D. Lourdin. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. (2008), 110, 1, 1-7. Influence of dehydration rate on the vitrification of corn protein
12. C. Loussert, Y. Popineau, C. Mangavel. J. Cereal Sci (2008), 47, 3, 445-456. Protein bodies ontogeny and localization of prolamin components in the developing endosperm of wheat
13. A. Banc, B.Desbat, D. Renard, Y. Popineau, C. Mangavel, L. Navailles. Langmuir (2007), 23, 26, 13066-13075. Structure and orientation changes of omega- and gamma-gliadins at the air-water interface: A PM-IRRAS Spectroscopy and Brewster angle microscopy study
14. C. Mangavel, L. Dubreil, C. Loussert, J. Barbot, Y. Popineau. (Proceedings of the International Gluten Workshop, 14-16 septembre 2006, San Francisco). Gluten Proteins, G.L. Lookhart and P. K.W. Ng, Eds. AACC International Press, 2007, pp 123-128. Analysis of the first steps of prolamins assembly and polymerization during wheat grain development
15. D. Tolleter, M. Jaquinod, C. Mangavel, C. Passirani, P. Saulnier, S. Manon, E. Teyssier, N. Payet, M.H. Avelange-Macherel, D. Macherel. The Plant Cell (2007),19:1580-1589. Structure and Function of a Mitochondrial Late Embryogenesis Abundant Protein Are Revealed by Desiccation
16. N. Chapleau, C. Mangavel, J.P. Compoint, M. de Lamballerie-Anton. J. Sci. Food Agric. (2004), 84, 66-74. Effect of high-pressure processing on myofibrillar protein structure
17. C. Mangavel , N. Rossignol , A. Perronnet , J. Barbot , Y. Popineau , J. Guéguen. Biomacromolecules (2004), 5 (4), 1596-1601. Properties and microstructure of thermomoulded wheat gluten films: a comparison with cast films.
18. C. Mangavel, J. Barbot , J. Guéguen, Y. Popineau. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2003), 51, 1447-1452. Molecular determinants of the influence of hydrophilic plasticizers on mechanical properties of cast wheat gluten films
19. C. Mangavel, J. Barbot , E. Bervas, L. Linossier, M. Feys , J. Guéguen, Y. Popineau. J. Cereal Sci. (2002), 36, 2, 157-166.Influence of prolamin composition on mechanical properties of gluten films prepared by casting
20. C. Mangavel, N. Rossignol, A. Gerbanowski, J. Barbot, Y. Popineau and J. Guéguen, in Plant biopolymer science. Food and non-food applications. (2002), 260-266. Renard, D. Della Valle, G. and Popineau, Y., Eds. Workshop,Nantes, 2001. Proteins films : Microstructural aspects and interaction with water.
21. C. Mangavel, J. Barbot, Y. Popineau, J. Guéguen. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2001), 49, 867-872. Evolution of wheat gliadins conformation during film formation: a Fourier Transform Infrared study
22. P. Robert, C. Mangavel, D. Renard. Appl. Spectrosc. (2001), 55, 6, 781-787. Infrared spectroscopy as applied to glycinin film and gel formation kinetics
23. C. Mangavel, D. Sy and J.A. Reynaud. J. Chim. Phys., 1999, 96, 877-903. Basic amphipathic model peptides : structural investigations in solution, studied by circular dichroism, fluorescence, analytical ultracentrifugation and molecular modeling
24. D.Sy, C. Mangavel, J.A. Reynaud. Theor. Chem. Acc., 1999, 101, 92-96. Molecular modelling of amphipathic basic model peptides : interactions in aqueous solutions and in the presence of lipids.
25. A.C. Sanchez, Y. Popineau, C. Mangavel, C. Larré, J. Guéguen. J. Agric. Food Chem (1998), 46, 4539-4544.Effect of different plasticizers on the mechanical and surface properties of wheat gliadin films.
26. C. Mangavel, R. Maget-Dana, P. Tauc, J.C. Brochon, D. Sy, and J.A. Reynaud. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (1998), 1371, 265-283. Structural investigations of basic amphipathic model peptides in the presence of lipid vesicles studied by circular dichroism, fluorescence, monolayer and modeling.