Sylvie Desobry-Banon

Statut : Professeur
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Curriculum vitae

  • Professor, University of Lorraine,
  • Head of Biology Department (IUT Nancy-Brabois) 2016-2022,
  • Director of Laboratory of Biomolecules Engineering (LIBio) 2024-2028,
  • 2009-2013 : assistant-professor in UMR 7360 CNRS-Université de Lorraine, Nancy,
  • 1996 : assistant-professor at University of Minnesota, Saint-Paul/Minneapolis, USA.

Research activities:

  • Food science,
  • Biomolecules encapsulation engineering.

PhD supervisor of 12 PhD students and 22 Master students

60 publications, 31 communications, 2 chapters

Newest publications 2021-2023 :

BENNACEF C., DESOBRY-BANON S., PROBST L., DESOBRY S. 2021. Advances on Alginate use for spherification to encapsulate biomolecules. Food Hydrocolloids, vol 118.

BENNACEF C., DESOBRY-BANON S., LINDER, M., KHANJI, A., PROBST L., DESOBRY S. 2021. Study and optimization of core-shell capsules produced by annular jet breaking coextrusion. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physico-chemical and engineering aspects, vol 629.

BENNACEF C., DESOBRY-BANON S., PROBST L., DESOBRY S. 2022.Optimization of core-shell capsules propoerties (olive oil/alginate) obtained by dripping coextrusion process. LWT-Food Science and Technology, vol 167.

PERRIN L., DESOBRY-BANON S., GILLET G., DESOBRY S. 2022.  Review of high frequency ultrasounds emulsification methods on oil/water interfacial organization in absence of any kind of stabilizer. Foods. vol 11(15)

PERRIN L., DESOBRY-BANON S., GILLET G., DESOBRY S. 2023.  Study and optimization of oil/water emulsions formulated by low- and high-frequency ultrasounds. Int J cosmetic science. 45 (2) , pp.198-213

BENNACEF L., DESOBRY-BANON S., PROBST L., DESOBRY S. 2023. Alginate core-shell capsules production through coextrusion methods: I. principles and technologies. Acceptée dans Marine drugs

B0ENNACEF L., DESOBRY S., PROBST L., DESOBRY-BANON S. 2023. Alginate based core-shell capsules production through coextrusion methods: II. Recent Applications. Acceptée dans Foods.

PERRIN L., DESOBRY-BANON S., GILLET G., DESOBRY S. 2023. Phase diagram of Pickering emulsions stabilized by cellulose nanocrystals. Polymers. 15 (13)

BENNACEF L., DESOBRY S., PROBST L., DESOBRY-BANON S. 2023. Influence of Alginate Properties and Calcium Chloride Concentration on Alginate Bead Reticulation and Size: A Phenomenological Approach; Polymers. 15 (20)

PERRIN L., DESOBRY S., GILLET G., DESOBRY-BANON S. 2023. Low-frequency ultrasounds effects on cellulose nanocrystals for potential application in stabilizing Pickering emulsions. Polymers. 15 (22) DOI: 10.3390/polym15224371