BURGAIN Jennifer
- Status : Maitre de conférences
- Email address : jennifer.burgain@univ-lorraine.fr
- Speciality : Food science
Activities :
Research (ORCID.ORG 0000-0002-9573-4052)
My research focuses on production and characterization of food powders obtained from agroresources and co-products. I particularly focus on powder performance while they are subjected to a controlled storage (physicochemical features and technofunctionality) and the impact of glass transition on these characteristics. The use of a multi scale approach provides the opportunity to gather a complete and complex set of data and particularly at the particle level as I manage an AFM equipped with a controlled environmental chamber.
Project ExPowSE funded by the french ANR : Exploring food powder surface under controlled environment (https://anr.fr/en/funded-projects-and-impact/funded-projects/project/funded/project/b2d9d3668f92a3b9fbbf7866072501ef-9093eceb83/?tx_anrprojects_funded%5Bcontroller%5D=Funded&cHash=67df74c7ff8f782f6c6a3da36cf155ad)
Board member of the BRG (Bioencapsulation Research Group) (2023-…) an international scientific association organizing conferences, training schools and industrial conventions in micro-bioencapsulation. It promotes training, research developments, exchanges, collaborative projects, industrial transfers for these technologies with 4,000 international members (60% industrialists in 80 countries) (http://bioencapsulation.net)
- Scientific production
I am the author of 50 peer-reviewed articles, 6 book chapters and 2 patents.
- Education
2011-2013: PhD in Food Science, University of Lorraine, France (10th December 2013).
2008-2010: Engineer (M.Sc.) from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Agronomie et des Industries Alimentaires, University of Lorraine, France.
Educational responsibilities
- Manager of 3rd year specialization at ENSAIA (food industry engineer): dairy products and quality
- Manager of a Master 2 degree in Dairy industry and quality (MILQ)