Statut : Professeur
Adresse mail :
Spécialité : physicochimie
Téléphone : +33(0)3 72 74 41 11
CV : Téléchargement

Surname: GAUZELIN GAIANI                                 

Common name: GAIANI

First name: Claire                                                 

Date of birth: 14/11/1977                                            

Familial situation: married, 3 kids

Researcher unique identifier: ORCID (0000-0003-0434-8453), Research ID (F-9753-2012)

hindex = 26

Since my recruitment in 2007, I have received a total of 2 000 k€ in funding for projects on which I was the principal investigator. Among other important activities, I successfully managed fundamental competitive programs including the French ANR (French National Agency for Research) and European projects (Excellent science section with a Marie Sklodowska-Curie action and Interreg). Finally, I manage many industrial partnerships with leading international food companies (including Nestle, Lactalis, Bel, Bongrain, and Senoble). All these projects are directly related to my research theme.


2012: Habilitation to supervise research, highest French diploma, which allows one to become a professor, University of Lorraine, France (30th November 2012).

2003-2006: PhD in Food Science, Polytechnic National Institute of Lorraine, University of Lorraine, France (5th July 2006).

2000-2002: Engineer (M.Sc.) from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Agronomie et des Industries Alimentaires, University of Lorraine, France.


2016-present: Professor, LIBio (Laboratoire d’Ingénierie des Biomolécules), UL (University of Lorraine), France.

2015-2020: Member of the prestigious Insitut Universitaire de France (IUF) junior member.

2015 (1 year): Visiting Academic as a Marie Curie Fellow, University of Queensland, SAFS, Australia.

2012 - 2016: Associate Professor, LIBio, University of Lorraine, France.

2007-2012: Assistant Professor, LIBio, University of Lorraine, France.


2015-2020: Junior nomination at the prestigious IUF (Institut Universitaire de France).

2015: 1st Research Award of the Lorraine region, November 2015 (regardless of the discipline).

2014-2017: Holder of a Marie Curie IOF grant entitled Milk PEPPER, project FP7-2013- 621727.

From 2014-…: Bonus for research/advising (PEDR A classification) from the French Ministry of Research.

From 2015: Bonus for research/advising (PES B classification) from the French Ministry of Research.

2011: Marcel Loncin award: Young food researcher prize awarded once a year by ACIA (Association des Chimistes, Ingénieurs et Cadres des Industries Agricoles et Alimentaires).

Teaching and Institutional activities

Local responsibilities (within the ENSAIA, School of Food Engineering)

  • Member of the steering committee of ENSAIA (since 2009).
  • Head of industrial relationships of ENSAIA (since 2009).
  • Participation to the implementation of teaching quality approaches; responsible for recruitment and industry packages (2011-2012).
  • Implementation of lifelong learning for the “Milk and Dairy Products” option at the ENSAIA (since 2013).

Local responsibilities (within the LIBio, Research Laboratory)

  • Physicochemical analysis head for milk and dairy products.
  • Responsible for ISO 9001 certification of the whole LIBio purchasing process.
  • Laboratory co-director in charge of scientific management for the next quadrennial (2018-…).

National responsibilities

  • Nominated substitute member of the CNU (National University Council) in section 68 (since 2011).
  • Member of selection boards for the recruitment of: engineering students (agronomy and veterinary schools each year since 2011), three Assistant Professors (2009, 2011, 2012), one Research Engineer (2010) and one Technician (2010).
  • Member of PhD advisory committees in France (8 defenses) and overseas (Australia, Belgium, India and Indonesia).

Involvement in international efforts

  • Expert at the CRPF (Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation), Cyprus (from 2017).
  • Expert at the SFI (Science Foundation Ireland), Ireland (from 2015).
  • Expert at the F.R.S.-FNRS (National Research Funds), Belgium (from 2014).
  • Scientific expert at Oakland Innovation Ltd. (Cambridge, UK) for issues regarding food powders (from 2013).
  • Expert at the NCSR (National Council for Scientific Research), Romania (from 2011).

International collaborations

All collaborations were validated by scientific papers and/or industrial collaborations.

  • University of Lublin (Poland)
  • Centre of Microbial and Plant Genetics (Belgium)
  • University of Antwerp (Belgium)
  • Nestle (Switzerland) with the CRN Lausanne
  • Nestle (Switzerland) PTC Konolfingen & the PTC Orbe
  • University of Queensland (Australia)

Scientific recognition

More than 90 % of the publications are in the Q1 Quartile (Food Science and Technology and/or Chemistry, Biophysics).

Brief summary (Sources: Journal of Citation Report, date July 2018):

  • Author of more than 126 publications (papers and oral) including:

            - 88 full papers in ISI journals (42 articles in the last 5 years)

            - 49 conferences (including 7 invited)

            - 5 book chapters

            - 1 patent

  • Total number of citations: 2216
  • Hirsch (H) index: 26 (Google Scholar respectively) on July 2018
  • Number (%) of papers as first, second, last author: 10 (17 %), 20 (34 %), and 10 (17 %)
  • Corresponding author of 80 % of the papers

Links to publications