The LIBio owns many tools and equipment to study the structure of soft matter and living organisms (download in pdf) :
Tools for the study of the structure of soft matter from molecular level to macroscopic level
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Rheological behavior :
- liquid dispersions : rheometer Malvern Kinexus
- powders : rheometer Freeman Technology FT4
- penetrometry : tension-compression apparatus Lloyd
Size distribution et particles structure (liquid dispersions and powdered materials) :
- nanoparticles : Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) : Malvern Zetasizer nanoZS ; Nanoparticles Tracking Analysis (NTA) : Malvern Nanosight LM10
- microparticles : Laser granulometry : Malvern Mastersizer 3000 ; Granulomorphometry : Sympatec Qicpic ; optical microscopy
Formulation and structuration of matrices to laboratory level to pilot level
- instrumented microwaves
- microfluidic chips
- instrumented reactors
- high pressure homogenizer
- ultrasonic probe
- microfluidizer
- encapsulator
- mixer - cooker - homogenizer
- powder mixer
- spray drying tower
Structure et molecular interactions
- stability et thermal behaviour of polymers : Thermogravimetric analysus (TA instruments) ; modulated differential scanning calorimetry (MDSC) (TA instruments)
- interactions study : isotherm titration calorimetry (TA instruments)
- moleculare structure : Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (Brucker Tensor 27)
- interaction with water : Hygroscopy/hydrophilia : DVS
- gas permeability ; permeameter
- interfaces properties (liq/liq ; liq/gas ; sol/liq) : Tensiometer Kruss K10 (platinium plate, Du Noüy ring, Washburn cell)
Separation – Assay – identification – purification
- fatty acid composition : gas chromatography Shimadzu GC 2010
- lipid classes : CCM-FID Iatroscan
- assay and identification of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, antioxydants : HPMC multi-détection (UV-Vis, fluo, DEDL)
- molecular weight of polymers : SEC-MALLS Malvern viscotech
- preparation and purification : HPLC semi-préparative
- peptides purification : FPLC
Tools for the study of living organisms
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Microbiology :
- Screening and study of ecological and molecular interactions (high throughput subculturing and pipetting robot)
- Genomics, population genetics, strain typing
- Study of level 2 pathogens (Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella…)
- Heterologous expression (Escherichia coli et Lactococcus lactis)
Cell culture :
- Biocompatibility and cytotoxicity (Mitochondrial respiration, cell proliferation, LDH assay)
- Simulation of cell environments (Microfluidic organs-on-chips)
- Interactions: Vector – cells ; Matrix – cells ; Encapsulated active molecules - cells