Adresse mail : stephane.desobry@ensaia.univ-lorraine.fr
Spécialité : conservation des aliments et emballage
Téléphone : 0372744096
Professor highest grade : Food Physical Chemistry
Spécialty " Active biomolecules stabilisation ", "food preservation " and " packaging "
Professionnal Address:
E.N.S.A.I.A. , 2 av. de la Forêt de Haye , 54500 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy
Tel : +33 (0)
E-mail : stephane.desobry@ensaia.univ-lorraine.fr
orcid.org : 0000-0002-8992-4845
- Degrees
Engineer in Food Science and Tecnology (E.N.S.A.I.A.) - 1989
PhD from I.N.P.L University. Specialty: "Biotechnologies and food industries" (1991) "Modeling the total flow of water desorption in a complex system" Food-Packaging "." Work granted by the Ministry of Research and Technology and the Venthenat Company (Food Packaging Transformer - AMCOR Group) - Supervisor: Professor Joël Hardy
• Current functions and activities
Full Professor at the University of Lorraine – National School of Agronomical and Food Sciences (E.N.S.A.I.A.) in Nancy (Highest national rank: Professor of Exceptional class 2).
Coordinator of the "Impact Biomolecules" project at Lorraine University of Excellence (LUE). This project is financed by the grant of 2.5 M€ (+3.5 M€ of private funds) from 2017 to 2021.
Coordinator of the teaching staff in "Food Science" which groups the biophysics and biochemistry of ENSAIA.
Head of the Master International specialty in "Food and Packaging Preservation". The training is offered within the framework of a partnership between 3 major European Food Master Courses: University of Lorraine (UL), University College Dublin (UCD), Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (UPV)). These universities have joined teaching staffs to make modules available to the master's program with complementary educational content (1 semester in each university).
Coordinator for the French Embassy in Algeria of the bilateral network of Franco-Algerian Engineers schools to support the reform of 29 Algerian higher schools 2007-2020. This project concerns the complete overhaul of the Algerian engineering school programs and the setting up of a mixed network of French and Algerian schools (RME).
H2020 expert for the evaluation of European projects since 2011.
Holder of Research grant category A uninterrupted since 1999.
• Previous activities
Director of the Doctoral School Resources, Processes, Products, Environment (RP2E) from 2014 to 2018.
Chairman of the Life Science and Technology Competence Cluster FABELOR (Ministry of Agriculture, Agribusiness and Fisheries) from January 2010 to December 2014. This cluster included activities related to the biological sciences. FABELOR brings together 400 researchers in the forest sector (DAS1), food (DAS2), environment (DAS3).
Vice-president of the INPL in charge of International Relation from 1/1/07 to 30/4/12. This responsability consisted in coordinating the university international action, promoting synergies and stimulating orientations in terms of the institution's international strategy. My term ended at the end of April 2012 with the constitution of a new team to pilot the University of Lorraine.
Director of the “food science and engineering” laboratory (LSGA, precursor of LIBio) from 1/1/2005 to 1/1/2009.
Member then Vice-Chairman of the AFSSA's Specialized Expert Committee "Food Contact Materials" from 2000 to 2006.
Chairman of the organizing committee of the 11th International Symposium on Maillard’s Reaction (IMARS Association, USA) held in Nancy from September 16 to 20, 2012.
Winner of the national competition for the creation of innovative companies (category creation development) in 2007 - Entreprise Genialis (SME active in Bourges).
Winner of the national competition for the creation of innovative companies (emergence category) in 2015 - European Institute of Antioxidants.
Postdoctoral fellowship of 6 months in the United States (University of Minnesota) as part of a NATO-backed delegation (March 1 to August 31, 1996)